BE Unapologetic


Life Coaching for Women and Small Business Consulting

Are you ready to become a confident leader? Learn how Small Business Consulting & Life Coaching for Women with Petia can take your business to the next level.
Life Coaching for Women

You’re a caring and devoted woman who works hard… 

Yet you know there’s more to life than what you’re currently experiencing.

You’ve discovered you have light and gifts within that you’re meant to give the world… 

Yet you don’t see progress and momentum fully manifesting externally.

You’ve experienced some level of success, but you know something gets to change if you’re going to reach your true potential

Hi, I’m Petia!

I help women to intuitively connect with their inner vision so they can experience personal and professional magnetism and become unapologetically abundant.

Know you’re ready for an upgrade in your life, business, or relationships?
Apply for a clarity call today to uncover your blindspots and shift into power!

All things coaching, abundance mindset and thriving in life, business and spiritually 

Welcome to Petia’s world, where transformation, empowerment, and abundant living are at the heart of everything we do. As a renowned podcaster, life coach, and business consultant, Petia brings her unique blend of expertise and personal experience to help women unleash their full potential and create lives they truly love.

With a warm and caring approach, Petia guides her clients on a journey of self-discovery, igniting their intuition, harnessing their feminine energy, and embracing the power of transformation.

Having overcome her own challenges of toxic relationships and living in fear, Petia understands firsthand the profound impact that mindset shifts and spiritual alignment can have on one’s life. She is a beacon of inspiration, shining brightly with her infectious enthusiasm and unwavering belief in the potential of every woman she works with.

Life Coaching and Business Consulting Next Level Psychic

Activate and align your feminine energy and become Unapologetically Abundant

Petia’s coaching is rooted in her deep understanding of the complexities of women’s lives and the unique challenges they face in today’s world. Through her life coaching for women, Petia helps her clients cultivate abundance mindsets, tap into their intuition, and connect with their authentic selves. She empowers women to step into their feminine energy, embrace their inner strength, and manifest their dreams into reality. 

Whether you’re seeking guidance in your personal life, looking to grow your small business, or longing for a deeper spiritual connection, Petia’s holistic approach will guide you towards alignment and fulfillment. 

Join Petia on this transformative journey and unlock the limitless potential that resides within you. Together, we’ll create a life filled with joy, purpose, and abundant blessings.

As featured in…

Petia Kolibova Burns Life Coaching-LiveYourLightShowEmilyKThomas

As featured in…

Petia Kolibova Burns Life Coaching-LiveYourLightShowEmilyKThomas

Check out the Unapologetically Abundant Podcast!


What You Get when Coaching with Petia


Achieve with Flow & Ease

Attain your goals with flow and ease instead of constantly hustling, working hard, and doing – Create prosperity by being YOU.


Receive Your Abundance

Reconnect with your deepest desires and be unapologetic and enthusiastic to receive them.

Activate and Upgrade

Heal your past, activate your gifts and upgrade your reality.

Ways to Get Activated

Love messages from clients

Access my teachings and let’s connect on Instagram!

Know you’re ready for an upgrade in your life, business, or relationships?
Apply for a clarity call today to uncover your blindspots and shift into power!

“Before working with Petia I was barely getting by, making $800/mo, putting my worth in money, men and things outside of me. Because of Petia, I’ve been able to do $30,000+ launches, I’m more confident in my value and sourcing my safety and security from WITHIN and with God. If I hadn’t worked with Petia, I probably would have spent years of my life outsourcing my worth and love and never choosing myself first. Thank you for EVERYTHING Petia!!”
Mia Millonzi
Akashic Angel